To all our amazing loyal listeners, advertisers and show sponsors, we wish you all the very best for 2024.

It is going to be an exciting year ahead for us here at the studio! We have been working so hard to keep moving forward, and adding to our growth as your community station.

2023 saw the install of 2 new fm masts, which enabaled us to introduce our station to new regions and improve on what was already established. It is sometimes hard to believe the station has been around for 20 years +, and we are committed to ensure it is here for another 20! And that is because of you! Our loyal listeners that continually have faith and enjoy what we bring to the airwaves. But not just the airwaves…… your mobile, your computer. Our CCIR Live app for both apple and android was developed, available to download for free, so make sure you do! Those downloads help us and cost you nothing!

We are committed to this community and we will continue to invest to bring you the best of music to you our listeners, and to generate advertising campaigns that are successful for local businesses.

Our enthusiasm, is propelled by your love of what we offer! Therefore, we have so much lined up over the next few months, some great plans now coming together – it is going to be an interesting and exciting year ahead. Including live music events we will be hosting at one of your favourite spots! So keep an on the web site, socials, all will start to be announced with dates soon!